Summer’s End AS 58

The Court Report of their Excellencies; Thalia Papillon and Magnus de Lyons, Baroness and Baron of the Rhydderich Hael, held at Summers End in the Canton of Beau Fleuve September 23, 2023, AS 58 reported by Baroness Miriel du Lac Dragons Tongue Pursuivant.

Their Excellencies welcomed the populace and thanked them for their attendance.

Dame Eleanore Godwin, the autocrat of the event is called into the court to speak of the events for the day. Dame Eleanore calls for those who participated in the riddle of the day contest and awards them their Pie prizes. Then Dame Eleanore thanked her staff for the event and the kitchen crew.

Their Excellencies called for THL Genevieve O’Conner and asked her to talk of the A&S competition for the day. Baron Caleb Reynolds was named as the winner with an outstanding scroll of Pie artwork, and he was recognized for it with a scroll as well. Scroll by Baroness Ekaterina Volkova.

Then Lady Logan Lotta de Kent was called into the court to announce the winner of her Bardic competition she held that day. Lady Logan spoke of the winners skill and prowess with words and named Eadaoin Ruadh the winner. Eadaoin entered court and was awarded a scroll and their Excellencies accolades. Scroll by Baron Caleb Reynolds.

Their Excellencies then called THL Abdullah al Rashid into court as their Heavy Weapons Marshal for the day. He spoke of the Heavy Weapons Tourney and called Duke Maynard von dem Steine forward as the winner. Scroll Illumination by Baron Caleb Reynolds and Calligraphy by Baroness Kathryn Kiersey.

Then her Excellency Miriel du Lac was called into court to announce the winner of the Rapier Tourney. Her Excellency called forward Don Markus Skaljr Grimsson as the winner of the tourney, not only did Don Markus win a scroll he won a special coin to a Invitational tournament of the Field of Garnet and Steel. Scroll Calligraphy/Illumination by Dame Zofia Kowalewska and words by Mistress Beatrice de Winter.

Then Baroness Ekaterina Volkova was called into court to speak about a gift known as “The Spirit of Morguhn”, that she wished to award to those that best inhabited the spirit of Duke Morguhn who had passed years ago this day. Don Markus and Lord Tiberious were called forward and awarded this gift for their Spirit on the Rapier and Heavy field this day.

Their Excellencies called forward Lady Simonetta d’Alfassi and Lady Siobhan Readnait as the Archery Tourney runners for the day. They spoke of all the contestants’ prowess and honor on the field and then called forward the winner for the day, Lord Hiro. Scroll by Dame Eleanore Godwin.

Their Excellencies stood and spoke of a Thrown Weapons Tourney they hosted for the event, there was many an interesting target talked of, and they called for the winner Baroness Amalie Reinhardt. Scroll by Dame Zofia Kowalewska.

Their Excellencies then announced the decision to retire the Hael Hounds as an active unit in the Barony. The Hael Hounds was an informal unit in the Barony, started decades ago and revived a few years ago by Eleanore Godwin and Rendell ( Captains of archers at the time). The Hounds under Eleanore and Rendell saw new life. Sadly, with the passing of Rendell and the loss of many of the active members (due to change of location or leaving the SCA) the Hounds, for the most part, drifted back into inactivity. This was perhaps hardest felt by Eleanore who viewed it as a constant reminder of Rendell’s memory. Knowing this their Excellencies offered the retiring of the Hounds as a Unit. However, they did not wish for all that was good about the Hounds to be lost to history.

To that end their Excellencies opted to create a new Baronial Order, “The Hounds of Hael” that recognizes excellence in the Baronial archery community. To this they called that Dame Eleanore Godwin become the Principal member of this order. Scroll by Dame Eleanore Godwin.

Then Their Excellencies spoke of The Baronial Keystone long ago awarded to the barony for its service to the kingdom, Each year the keystone is passed to another trusted member of the Barony to hold it for that year. Their Excellencies thanked Lady Nycalse d’Ozier la Tailleresse for her service holding it since 2019 during the great Covid Plague. Then Lady Coira of Deerness was asked to come forward and take up the honor of holding the Keystone for the coming year.

Then Lord Daniel of Blackthorn was called into court. Their Excellencies spoke of his renewed efforts in heavy fighting in the Barony and how his prowess had improved greatly. Because of this they wished to award him with the Barony’s award for the Most Improved Fighter. This Award is a Dagger affixed with a baronial populace badge in leather.

Their Excellencies then asked for the presence of Lord Chebi into their court. They thanked Lord Chebi for acting as their Chivalry Champion for the past few years and asked him to retire in honor and pass on the Baronial shield and regalia for the Chivalry Champion to their new Champion, named as Lord Marcos Baltanas. Scroll Illumination by Mistress Geirny Thorgrimsdottir, Calligraphy by Dame Zofia Kowalewka, and Words by Baron Caleb Reynolds.

Next called into court was THL Abdullah al-Rashid, their excellencies spoke of Abdul’s participation in their Champions tourneys for the past year. Having participated in 4 of the 6 competitions Abdul was named Baronial Ironman and awarded a scroll. Scroll Illumination by Lady Isabetta Orsini, Calligraphy/Wording by Dame Zofia Kowalewska.

For their last piece of business her Excellency Thalia spoke of her Inspiration not only for the day but for the past few months. She asked Danny, a new member of the barony, to come forward. She talked of his shining presence in the barony, how his enthusiasm and spirit had touched her heart and she wished for him to know this and she gave him a ring from her own finger as a largess for his inspiration.

Having no further business their Excellencies court was closed.



