Summer’s End A.S. 56 (2021)

An account of the court of Padraig and Juliana, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of AEthelmearc. Held at Summer’s End in the Canton of Beau Fleuve  September 11 Anno Societatus 56 (2021) reported by  Lady Siobhan Readnait, Ice Dragon Pursuivant  Deputy  

Morning Court: 

 Their Excellencies Juliana & Padraig of Rhydderich Hael, welcomed all attending, invited the populace to visit at their pavilion and to come see them to enter the plague mask competition. 

THL Eleanor Godwin was invited into court and presented gifts to the Hael Hounds -Banners made for Master Cynwylf Rendell when he was Hound Captain and his ancestral captain medallion.  These were received with gratitude and love by the Hound Captains Lady Simonetta and Lady Siobhan Readnait.  The captains remained in court to give Nicholas and Bill their Hound favors, making them official hounds.  Archery rank tokens were then distributed. 

Morning court was suspended until evening. 

Evening court: 

Their Excellencies Juliana and Padraig thanked all for attending the first Hael event in two years, and hoped all had enjoyed their day. 

Autocrat Baron Caleb Reynolds came forward to thank all for attending and to thank and introduce event staff. He then asked the Marshalls in charge to announce their winners.  

  •  The winner of the heavy fighting was announced as Sir Vladisla Nikolich. (Scroll by Baroness Ekaterina Volkova) 
  •  The winner of the  rapier tournament was Lord Richard Fierman of Herontir. (Scroll by Brother Bobby) 
  •  The winner of Arts & Sciences was THLady Maggie Rue. (THLady Eleanore Godwin) 
  •  The winner (and only entrant) for the plague mask competition was Lord Matheus Weasel 
  •  The winner of the  thrown weapons tourney was THLord Meinolf Grimsson (Scroll by Baron Caleb Reynolds) 
  •  The winner of the archery tourney was Baron Edward Harbinger. (Scroll by Dame Zofia Kowalewska)

 Baron Caleb then called forth the thrown weapons community for awarding of rank badges and favors.  

Their Excellencies then requested the presence of Abdullah Ishkan Al-Rashid and Lady Genevieve O’Connor.  Lord Abdul was given his backlog scroll for entry into the Order of the Portcullis for going above and beyond to build a ramp For Harold and Elisabeth at their home to allow for greater accessibility.  (Scroll by Dame Zofia Kowalewska).  Also present was the backlog scroll for Lord Ima’nis Gen’ichi le’srda. (not present) (Scroll by THLord Sasson de Sancta Victoria) 

Lady Genevieve O’Connor was the welcomed to the Order of the Golden Bee in recognition of her weaving and embroidery skills. (Scroll by THLord Sasson de Sancta Victoria) 

Lady Nycalse d’Ozier la Tailleresse was then called forth and asked to be this year’s Guardian of the Ancestral Baronial Keystone in recognition of her good works and service.  (Scroll is a work in progress) 

Thus ended the Baronial Court. 



