Baronial Seven Pearls

A recording of the proceedings of the court of Their Excellencies of the Rhydderich Hael, Baron Padraig and Baroness Juliana, 12th Baronage of the Rhydderich Hael at the Seven Pearls Event on the 26th day of August to the 28th day of August, A.S. LVII (2022) as presented and recorded by Lady Siobhan inghean ui Ruadhain, Ice Dragon Pursuivant, with assistance by Dame Zofia Kowalewska

On the 27th  Day of August:

Court was opened.

Their excellencies welcomed all to the event and the assembled Baronages from across Æthelmearc. The Autocrat, Baroness Miriel du Lac was called forward and she thanked her staff and marshals.   Their Excellencies then presented each of the visiting Baronies Gifts from the region along with the plaques from the Arts and Sciences tournament. 

Their excellencies gave leave to their cousins of the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands to hold court.

Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Brandubh O’Donnghaile and Hilderun Hügelmannas, 8th Baronage of the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands at the Seven Pearls Event upon the 28th day of August, A.S. LVII (2022) heralded by Lord Ronan O’Conall.

Court was opened.

Their Excellencies gave leave to their cousins of the Barony of Thescorre to hold court.

Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Andriu and Nuzha 10th Baronage of Thescorre at the Seven Pearls Event upon the 28th day of August, A.S. LVII (2022) heralded by Kaðlín Sigvaldiskona, Ravens Tongue Pursuivant.

Court was opened.

Their Excellencies gave leave to their cousins of the Barony of the Delftwood to hold court.

Report of the Court of Her Excellency Amalie Reinhart 12th Baronage of Delftwood Seven Pearls Event upon the 31st day of August, A.S. LIV (2019) heralded by Lady Megge Gormshuileach, Windmill Pursuivant

Court was opened.

Their Excellencies gave leave to their cousins of the Barony of Blackstone Mountain to hold court.

Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Cunedda and Alana , 7th Baronage of Blackstone Mountain at the Shoot in the Wildwood and Seven Pearls Event upon the 31st day of August, A.S. LIV (2019), heralded by Lady Brianna the Scorned

Court was Opened.

Their Excellencies gave leave to their cousins of the Barony of Endless Hills to hold court.

Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Nikola and Magge, 7th Baronage of Endless Hills, at the Shoot in the Wildwood and Seven Pearls Event upon the 31st day of August, A.S. LIV (2019), heralded by Master Po Silvertop

Court was opened.

Their Excellencies gave leave to their Cousins of the Barony of St. Swithin’s Bog to hold court.

Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Jean Pierre and Caterine, 7h Baronage of St. Swithin’s Bog, at the Shoot in the Wildwood and Seven Pearls Event upon the 31st day of August, A.S. LIV (2019), heralded by Mistress Ælfra Long, Vambrace Pursuivant.

Court was opened.

Their Excellencies commented on the bravery of the fighters and called forth Don Cyrus Augur, Champion for Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands, and named him the Seven Pearls Fencing Champion. Scroll illuminated and calligraphed by Arvik Hyttoinen

There being no further business, court was closed.

The court of Nicolo and Magge was resumed.

They then shared their love of performances, and called forth Lady Megge Gormshuileach, Champion of Deltwood, to name her the Seven Pearls Bardic Champion. She was also warned to NOT drink from the Bardic Regalia Cup.  Scroll Illuminated and calligraphed by Sir Murdoch Bayne 

There being no further business, court was closed.

The court of Cunedda and Alana was resumed.

Their Excellencies noted their pride in having held onto the Seven Pearls Heavy Weapons Championship for multiple years. They summoned Cormacc mac Gilla Brigde, Champion of the Barony of Endless Hills, and named him Seven Pearls Heavy Weapons Champion. Scroll by Mistress Maria Christina de Cordoba and Words by THL Kathryn MacLuing

There being no further business, court was closed.

The Court of Amalie resumed.

She spoke of her love for Throwing and was happy to be able to name the Champion for Thrown Weapons.   She called forth Wolfgang von Wylderwood Champion of the Barony of  Delftwood and named him Seven Pearls Thrown Weapons Champion.  Baroness Amalie also noted that this gentle has only been throwing for short time and has proven worthy of the title.  Illumination by Roberta McMorland and Baroness Amalie Reinhardt and Words and Calligraphy by Lady Caera Fitzpatrick.

There being no further business, court was closed.

 The Court of Andriu and Nuzha was resumed.

They spoke of the Arts and Sciences displayed by the Champions of the seven Baronies, and how difficult it was to choose a winner. They called forth Brother Meuric ap Gwillim, Champion of the Rhydderich Hael, and named him Seven Pearls Arts and Sciences Champion. Scroll Illuminated by Lady Nicole du Marais and wording by Lady Gwen Cooke.

Their Excellencies then called in Dame Zofia Kowalewska who ran the Arts and Sciences display to announce the Populace vote.  Brother Meuric ap Gwillim was beckoned to return and name Populace choice and was presented with a prize. 

There being no further business, court was closed.

The Court of their Exellencies Brandubh and Hilderun resumed.

Their Excellencies explained they had the honor of naming the Seven Pearls Archery Weapons Champion. They sought Tigernach mac Cathail, Champion of the Barony of Endless Hills, to name him as the Seven Pearls Thrown Weapons Champion. Scroll illumination by Lady Aibell ingen Chernachai, calligraphed by THL Rachel Dalicieux upon a text by Brandubh O’Donnghaile.

There being no further business, court was closed.

The court of Their Excellencies Padraig and Juliana resumed.  

They again thanked everyone for their efforts today and hoped a good time was had. 

 There being no further business at the time, court was closed.

Day Summary:

Seven Pearls Champions:

Archery                      Tigernach mac Cathail (Endless Hills)

Arts & Sciences         Meuric ap Gwillim (Rhydderich Hael) 

Bardic                        Megge Gormshuileach (Delftwood)

Fencing                     Cyrus Augug (Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands)

Heavy Weapons        Cormacc mac Gilla Brigde (Endless Hills)

Thrown Weapons      Wolfgang von Wylderwoode (Delftwood)

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