Pennsic War 2019

Great Pennsic War, August 3 Anno Sociotatus 54

An account of the court of Padraig and Julianna, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Held at the Great Pennsic War August 3 Anno Sociotatus 54 reported by THL Zofia Kowalewska, Ice Dragon Pursuivant and White Horn Herald.

Court was opened just after Opening Ceremonies. Their Excellencies called forward Lord Chebe, Captain of the Siege Guild. Lord Chebe explained we now have a new Mangonel. Painted in the Black, Green and Gold of the Barony, it contains wood from Master Augusto Giuseppi De San Donato’s bed, who was also called Joe the Just. Lord Chebe wished to have Their Excellencies dedicate the Mangonel in his honor, with the name “THE JUSTIFIER”.

By Their words, Hands and Pennsic Water, Baron Padraig and Baroness Juliana so dedicated it “The Justifier” in his memory.

Thus closed the Court at the Pennsic War for Baron Padraig and Baroness Juliana

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