Summer’s End 2019

Summer’s End in the Canton of Beau Fleuve August 24 Anno Societatus 54

An account of the court of Padraig and Juliana, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Held at Summer’s End in the Canton of Beau Fleuve August 24 Anno Societatus 54 reported by THL Zofia Kowalewska, Ice Dragon Pursuivant and White Horn Herald with Noble Rhys Penbras ap Dafydd assisting.

Court was opened in the evening with their Excellencies welcoming all to a wonderful day. They summoned the Autocrat, Lady Thalia Papillon and thanked her for all her work. Lady Thalia took a moment to also thank the populace for attending and thanked her hard working staff.

Noble Rhys Penbras ap Dafydd also had business with Their Excellencies and the populace. The Baronial Exchequer position will now be held by Lady Giuseppina Michelle da Canal and Mistress Cori as Deputy. Noble Rhys steps down as they are now the Kingdom Exchequer.

Minamoto Roku-i Sakurako and Baroness Miriel du Lac were called into court and tales of their hard work and dedicated on the fencing lists were made known to all. They were inducted into the Order of the Dragon’s Combatant.

(Baroness Miriel du Lac – Scroll by – Baroness Ekatarina Volkova and Minamoto Roku-i Sakurako – Scroll by Baroness Ekatarina Volkova and THLady Zofia Kowalewska – a work in progress).

Although Lord Fearghus mac Eoin could not stay for court, he presented their Excellencies with the Chivalry Shield to passed on. Their Excellences asked Ima’nish Gen’ichi le’srda to take that honor and he accepted. (Scroll illumination by Baroness Rosemund von Glinde and calligraphy by Mistress Liadhain ni Chleirigh na Coillte)

Two additional members of the Hael were honored for their improvement on the lists.

Adam was named Most Improved Fighter.

Rose was named Most Improved Fencer, who only just recently authorized.

Lady Thalia Papillon was asked again to join Their Excellencies as her time as the Baronial Keystone holder was up. She was thanked for her service and the regalia was returned. To take her place, Lady Siobhan Readnait was called in and asked to carry the Keystone for the Barony as her work with the Archers, in the kitchen and anywhere is needed reflects the service the Barony holds dear.

There were 5 tournaments this day as well.

In Archery, Lady Siobhan Readnait announced that there was a TIE!. Meinole Grimsson and Godfrey tied with 72 points. The Prize was presented to Meinole and Scroll to Godfrey (Scroll illumination by Plinia Epicurius Curia and calligraphy/words by THLady Zofia Kowalewska ).

From the Thrown Weapons range, Master Antonio de Luna proclaimed that Lord Snorri skyti Bjarnarsson bested all the other throwers in the Friend or Foe, err, RIVAL tournament.

Baron Caleb Reynolds declared that Richard of Heronter the winner of the Fencing Tournament. He was also named Most Chivalrous on the list and was presented with a token of thanks. (Scroll by Baron Caleb Reynolds)

Not one but two Heavy Weapons tournaments were held. The first run by Sir Callidus and the second was Hagar’s Traveling Road Show, oversaw by Lady Svava. Duke Maynard von dem Steine took the prize winning both. (Scroll illumination by Baroness Yvianne de Castel d’Avignon and calligraphy/words by THLady Zofia Kowalewska ).

The final tournament of the day was Arts and Sciences. Baron Magnus de Lion announced that Duchess Siobhan was not only the Autocrat’s pick for her 12th century Finish spiral head piece, but the Populace as well for her apron. (scrolls by Lord Micro of Soft and Baron Magnus).

Their Excellencies also had picked their choice and called in Malleen Fenella Menzies (called Riven). They were impressed with her illuminated letter and her hair sticks. (scroll illumination by Averill Messinger and calligraphy/words by THLady Zofia Kowalewska).

Their Majesties picked a choice as well. THLady Renata Rouge was called in for her 11th century Finnish “Wonder Woman” mittens. (scroll by Baron Caleb Reynolds)

At long last, Mistress Brynn ni MacRose was summoned by their Excellencies. She has come and cooked several Summer’s end (and a Kingdom 12th Night, specifically with the new Baron) feasts as well as routinely comes and helps in the kitchens for the event. For her unwavering dedication and support of a Barony that is not hers, Padraig and Juliana were moved to add her to the Dragon’s Scale.

Their Excellencies called before them Noble Rhys Penbras ap Dafydd. For their service above and beyond the call of duty for both the Barony and Kingdom, they saw it fit to add them to the Venerable Order of the Ice Dragon. (Scroll Illumination and words by Mistress Jenna MacPherson and calligraphy by THLady Zofia Kowalewska)

It was at this point, Their Excellencies wanted words with Lord Davin ap Einion and Lady Nycaise D’Ozier la Tailoresse.

For Lord Davin’s Near endless energy, willingness to help, eagerness to be involved, continued Service and work as Demo Coordinator, he was added to the Order of the Dragon’s Concordium. (scroll by Mistress Liadhain ni Chleirigh na Coillte)

For Lady Nycaise (called Taylor) her involvement with the children’s activities at Ice Dragon, opening her home for sewing and her beautiful works of applique and embroidery were all the more reason to add her to the Order of the Dragon’s Concordium. (Scroll drawn by Luca di Cola, illuminated by Rignach inghan UnConal, calligraphy by Mistress Liadhain ni Chleirigh na Coillte).

Baron Caleb Reynolds was called before Their Excellencies. They spoke of his Extraordinary acts of continual courtesy and kindness and inducted him to the Noble Union of Lords and Ladies. (scroll drawn by Baron Caleb, illuminated by Brother Bobby and calligraphy by Mistress Liadhain ni Chleirigh na Coillte)

Seeing that the order was not quite complete, Their Excellencies were compelled to add one more. They called Lord Siegfred Corloys (called Troy by many) and remarked of his courtesy both on and off the field. For that they inducted him to the Noble Union of Lords and Ladies (Scroll by Their Excellencies Padraig and Juliana – scroll forthcoming).

Being no further business, court was closed.

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