An account of the virtual court of Padraig and Julianna, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Held online during the Baronial Meeting on June 3, Anno Societatis 55 (2020 in the common tongue) in the ethereal Barony of Rhydderich Hael reported the THL Zofia Kowalewska, Ice Dragon Pursuivant and White Horn Herald.
Their excellencies wish to recognize our Seneschal THLord Abdul Ishkhan Al-Rashid and Lord Ima’nish Gen’ichi le’srda (Josh) for or going above and beyond to build a ramp for Harold and Baroness Elisabeth as well as other accessibility improvements for their home. For this, they were inducted into the Order of the Portcullis (Scrolls forthcoming).
With no further business, court was closed.