Virtual Ice Dragon A.S 55, the second year of the plague

An account of the virtual court of Padraig and Juliana, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Held  virtually April 24 Anno Societatis 55 (2021 in the common tongue)  in the ethereal Barony of Rhydderich Hael  reported the THL Zofia Kowalewska, Ice Dragon Pursuivant and White Horn Herald.

Their Excellencies welcomed the populace and invited Lady Thalia Papillion to address the populace.  She thanked all those who made it possible, including Mistress Cori and Lady Lijsbet. She then invited Mistress Cori in to explain the changes this year to the Pent/Arts and Sciences competition. 

As tradition holds, Their Majesties and Their Excellencies selected their Choice Winners. 

King and Queen Arts and Sciences Choice – Lord Cassiano da Castello for their Krupnik entry. Scroll by Mistress Liadin ní Chléirigh na Coilli and Baron Caleb Reynolds

Baron and Baroness Arts and Sciences Choice – Lady Ilaria Rosati for the entry of the French Hood. Scroll by Mistress Liadin ní Chléirigh na Coille and Lady Malleen Fenella Menzies AKA Rivin

Arts and Sciences Overall Winner – Mistress Elska á Fjárfelli and Simon á Fjárfelli for the medieval beehive bread oven Words by THL Zofia Kowalewska – Scroll in progress

Order Awards Presented: 

Order of the Portcullis –  Lady Lijsbet Hoefman for her Automated registration and scoring system for the Arts and Sciences competition which was a technological engineering feat. Scroll by THL Zofia Kowalewska

Order of the Golden Bee – THL Edith Winterton for her work in fiber, pottery, the scribal arts, research and heraldry. Scroll by Baroness Rosemund von Glinde (scroll was hand embroidered)

Order of the Dragon’s Combatant – Lady Thalia Papillion for her dedication to the rapier lists, archery, thrown weapons, marshalling, siege and combat archery. Scroll by THL Zofia Kowalewska

Venerable Order of the Ice Dragon – THL Beatrice de Winter for her many years of service to the Barony as an officer, event staff, all around support. Scroll by Baron Caleb Reynolds

Venerable Order of the Ice Dragon – Mistress Liadin ní Chléirigh na Coille for her many years of service to the Barony as cook, scribe and event staff.  Scroll by Brother Bobby & Mistress Jenna MacPherson

Their Excellencies again thanked the populace and asked the recipients to contact their Excellencies with regard to received their physical scroll . Court was closed.

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