An account of the court of Padraig and Juliana, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael in the Kingdom of AEthelmearc held at Fight Practice on the 15h day of June in the 57rd year of the Society (2022) in the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael. Reported by Dame Zofia Kowalewska, stand in Herald.
Their Excellencies Juliana & Padraig of Rhydderich Hael, welcomed all attending and wished all good luck in the tournament. Baron Caleb Reynolds, current undefeated champion for 3 years was called forward to provide instructions and present the fencers. All those competing for the honor of next champion or for fun presented themselves to their Excellences.
The tournament proceeded with THLady Thalia Papillon as the MOL as a Three Pass Round Robin. The Victor of the Tournament and new Rapier Champion was called forward – THLady Katerin Starke. Baron Caleb turned the regalia over to his successor and the scroll was read (Scroll by THLady Edith of Winterton and Lord Sean MacNevin called Tree).
Being no further Business, court was closed.